沓掛温泉/Tazawa Onsen Spa (Hotel,Inn)
● 富士屋/Fujiya
- TEL.81-(0)268-49-3111
- 20 rooms
- Capacity Guest 80 people
- One night 2days(dinner,breakfast,and Tax included)Starting from 10,000JPY
- Enjoy nice Japanese style garden and open-air bath.
- http://www.fujiya-h.com/
● ますや旅館/Masuya Ryokan
- TEL.81-(0)268-49-2001
- 20 rooms
- Capacity Guest 50 people
- One night 2days(dinner,breakfast,and tax included)Starting from 11,000JPY
- Mr.Touson Shimazaki who are very famous poet and novelist has stayed here.This is a very historical Japanese style hotel.
- http://www.masuya-1ban.com/
●和泉家旅館/ Izumiya Ryokan
- TEL.81-(0)268-49-2017
- 9rooms
- Capacity Guest 25 people
- One night 2days(dinner,breakfast,tax included)Starting from 10,950JPY
- Enjoy famous carp cuisine and wild boar cuisine.
- http://www.izumiyaryokan.net